This is the list of dissemination activities carried out by the project consortium.

EventTitleDateMore Info
RedIris Technical ConferenceEuWireless: un operador de red móvil para investigación en Europa10/05/2018Post
Mobility Day at TNC 2018EuWireless14/06/2018Post
TNC 2018EuWireless - The pan-European Mobile Operator for Research11-13/06/2018Post
EuCNC 2018EuWireless: Design of a pan-European Mobile Network Operator for Research19-20/06/2018Post
ICRI 2018EuWireless: Design of a pan-European Mobile Network Operator for Research12-14/09/2018Post
NORDUnet Conference 2018EuWireless: designing a 5G network for research 18-20/09/2018Post
6G Wireless Summit5G Test Network Finland – Ecosystem for 5G and Beyond Technology and Vertical Industry R&D24-26/3/2019Slides
Jornadas Técnicas de RedIRIS 2019EuWireless para el uso conjunto de WiFi y LTE en acceso a recursos docentes30/05/2019Slides
TNC2019EuWireless – An initiative to deliver pan-European mobile research capabilities over licensed spectrum19/06/2019Post
EuCNC 2019EuWireless: Design of the European Mobile Network Operator for Research18/06/2019Post
5G World Forum 2019Is GÉANT Testbeds Service compliant with ETSI MANO?02/10/2019Post
Colloquium in honour of Stefania GnesiHow Formal Methods Can Contribute to 5G Networks08/10/2019Post
LOPSTR 20192019Trace analysis using an Event-driven Interval Temporal Logic08-10/10/2019Post
JITEL 2019Expanding GÉANT Testbeds Service to support Pan‐European 5G network slices for research in the EuWireless project22-24/10/2019Post
FUSECO 2019EuWireless7-8/11/2019Post
TRIDENTCOM 2019EuWireless RAN Architecture and Slicing Framework for Virtual Testbeds7/12/2019Post